Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Class

I think the class is going well. I really enjoy reading books especially the novels. At times it is hard for me to pick picture books since there are so many and I am not sure where to begin in the library. I like the different presentations that we have been doing in class and am excited that we will be doing author studies further in detail. I am anxious to see how I have been doing in the class so far. I think that the novels that we have read for class have been good so far. I liked The Misfits better than Love That Dog. I really liked reading the controversial picture books because I never knew that there were picture books about such crazy topics. I found it interesting that the books were made for such young children also. I am excited to see what the rest of the semester brings!

1 comment:

  1. I use a lot of picture books in my 6th grade classroom, I am pretty sure many authors do not intend their books for young children but rather for older readers. The picture book format allows text and artistry to meld in ways a novel cannot. Some stories lend themselves better to a picture book. Anything by Jane Yolen or Chris VanAllensburg are examples of this.
